Want to join the People’s PPE? We’d love to have you!

All are welcome to join our core team!

Our core team consists of folks from across the country who meet weekly via Zoom to support our work. As a part of the People’s PPE, you play a vital role in getting folks the supplies they need to stay safe.

Our work requires a vast set of experiences and skillsets to:

  • acquire PPE from businesses and organizations

  • locate people and organizations with a need for PPE

  • fundraise and apply for grants

  • organize distribution events

  • share important pandemic information

  • share our work, educational info, & stories on social media

  • starting a distribution hub in your own community

We welcome people from all regions, ages, and backgrounds to join our volunteer community.

A part of a local pandemic mutual aid & want 2 collab?

We are so down to collaborate with others who are building power, solidarity, and material support for their community during the pandemic. We’re open to collaborating with groups and individuals at any stage from an idea to a fully operational mask distro collective.

Some possibilities for collaboration include:

  • monthly PPE deliveries to support ongoing work

  • sharing information about masking, variants, vaccination, long COVID

  • down the line, we aim to offer fiscal sponsorship to expand access to non-profit status for collectives doing this work

Working together truly can take so many forms and we are pumped to co-create what our collaboration could look like to mutually support our shared visions!